Monday, January 19, 2009

Need Motivation...and heat

I haven't posted to this blog in several weeks. I'm not a bad blogger I just haven't had much to share. The weather has turned cold and the temperature in my studio space has gone south. It's right above the garage and isn't very well insulated. Trying to pin and cut with numb fingers is not a good idea. I bought a little space heater and that didn't do a thing. So I'm going in search of a larger one when I get off work in hopes that it will help. I'm going through serious withdrawls. I need to sew something! Thankfully I have been able to devote some time to my other craft of crochet. I started to develop calluses on my finger and palm but found some comfort cushions that have been a blessing to my hands.
I had hoped to finish a simple dress to wear in honor of MLK day or Obama's swearing in but alas I will just have to save it for our next date night.

Stay warm!

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